The Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) Policy extends to the whole of India. This policy applies to Tredence Analytics, except where modified by applicable law or regulation.


The following policy is designed to describe the necessary guidelines and procedures for TREDENCE offices when making contributions/donations under the Companies Act, 2013. The purpose of the policy is to encourage and facilitate organized and approved contributions/donations at all levels in keeping with TREDENCE’ strategic priorities.


TREDENCE believes it is incumbent on the company to give back to the communities in which it operates. The objective of the CSR Policy is to lay down the guiding principles in undertaking various programs and projects by or on behalf of the company relating to Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) within the meaning of section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Schedule VII of the Act and the CSR Policy Rules 2014. (“Rules”).

TREDENCE’ philanthropic outreach is guided by three strategic priorities:

It is TREDENCE’ intent that philanthropic endeavors within India in supporting organizations and activities shall be related to our strategic priorities. TREDENCE may also set up an eligible project or scheme for promotion of social and economic welfare of, or the upliftment of the public, which is in line with the priorities stated above. The corporate philanthropy program will be administered at the TREDENCE board level by the CSR Committee.


The Board shall ensure that a minimum of 2% of the average net profits of the Company for the last 3 years is spent on the CSR programs/activities of the Company. All expenditure towards the CSR programs/activities will be diligently documented. The surplus, if any, arising out of CSR initiatives of the Company shall not form part of the Company’s business profits.


Composition of the CSR committee shall be as per the Companies Act, 2013 (the “CSR Committee”). The CSR Committee will periodically review, monitor and update the Board about ongoing and any new CSR projects or programs.

Roles & Responsibility of the CSR Committee

Composition of the CSR Committee

The CSR Committee is constituted with the following members:

  1. Pratap Daruka, Executive Vice President
  2. Soumendra Mohanty, Executive Vice President
  3. Rekha Nair, Sr Director HR
  4. Santhosh C, Director
  5. Munaswamy K, Director
  6. Sandesh Mathivannan, Director

Composition of the CSR Committee

Corporate charitable contributions/donations funds may not be used for the following:


The CSR Committee shall review the reporting requirements under the Companies Act, 2013 and CSR Rules which are to be included in the Board’s Report. Such report will be disseminated to the shareholders